Presence Digital UI & UX

Design & Development in Ely Cambridge


UI & UX Design both play a role in helping increase profits and growing a business. With UX & UI Design, your site will be user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing and provide a site visitors want to go to. This can increase visitors and customer loyalty. First impressions count and using UI & UX Design; you can create the best first impression and make people remember your brand. Without UX & UI design, you could end up with a site which isn’t user-friendly, and people don’t want to come back to, which will seriously affect your profits and business overall.

What is User Experience Design?

User experience design is the process of building relationships between a company, its products, and its customers.

User experience design is the process of researching, developing, and improving all aspects of user interaction with a company ’s product to satisfy its users. The goal is to improve the user’s experience with the product through test results, ultimately creating a product that is useful and valuable, as well as easy to obtain, pleasing to use.

UX design contributes to a product that provides an effective user experience. It includes different disciplines, such as visual design, interaction design, usability, and more.

Why UI doesn’t work without UX

There are many heated discussions about the terms UX and UI. Some claim that these concepts are dramatically different and cannot be compared; others see UX and UI as inseparable concepts that complement each other. At Presence Digital we believe that UI is an inseparable part of User Experience. UI and UX go hand-in-hand, which is why we always see these concepts written together as UI/UX.

Need help? contact us today we will be happy to discuss your requirements.